
Posts Tagged ‘Free Ringtone Maker’

Does the ringtone maker app for iPhone only work when you have ringtone maker pro?

June 19th, 2013 1 comment

I downloaded the free ringtone maker app and did everything in the tutorial but its not working. I noticed the second time I watched the video that he clicks on ringtone maker pro. Does it only work for the one you have to buy? I’m so tired of these stupid iPhone ringtones!!!


You don’t need an app on your iPhone to make a ringtone. You can make your own iPhone ringtones for free on your computer using iTunes. My mom and I just got the iPhone 3GS and wanted certain people to have their own ringtones. I didn’t want an app or pay $1.29 for ringtones from the iTunes store on the iPhone, so I did the next best thing, I used iTunes and the music from my library.

I have a post on my blog on how to do this, here’s the link:
I hope this helps you.

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