Home > Ringtone Resources > What is the best manga reading app for the iPod Touch 4?

What is the best manga reading app for the iPod Touch 4?

December 3rd, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I just got an ipod touch 4g, so I am wondering; what is the best manga reading app, with the most variety, that I can get without jailbreaking?

Try panda PC SUITE.
PC Suite fully supports mobile phones on the iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile platforms. As long as you have PC Suite, massive resources are free to access.

you can use pc suite to manage your phone (apps ringtones)

And go to the download page,I think you can find anything (games&apps) you want. ALL FOR FREE!

  1. Boy Play
    December 3rd, 2012 at 09:20 | #1

    Try panda PC SUITE.
    PC Suite fully supports mobile phones on the iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile platforms. As long as you have PC Suite, massive resources are free to access.

    you can use pc suite to manage your phone (apps ringtones)

    And go to the download page,I think you can find anything (games&apps) you want. ALL FOR FREE!
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