What are some legitimate good places to download ringtones?
I am going to be getting my new phone tomorrow and I want to get some good ringtones for it but I do not want to end up with additional false charges on my bill. I just want a good place to get music ringtones. Any sugguestions?
If you do not check a company before entering into a transaction, you could lose your money, time and credibility. Some widely used resources are the Better Business Bureau (www.bbb.org) and the national fraud center (www.fraud.org) these days, you can easily find out more about a company using the internet in a few minutes. From a company’s website, you can details about its ownership, how old the company really is and feedback from the company’s customers.
You can find more detailed information about a company at http://tinyurl.com/gtb89
whn ya find one..that has verizon true tones..let me kno!
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Well I have a MetroPCS phone and they provide a ringtone application called Realtone Jukebox that provides excellent quality ringtones for $2.99. They’re expensive, but they’re worth it. Your cell phone provider should have ringtones on their websites, like Cingular, for a reasonable price. Then there’s also Mobizzo. I saw the commercial and I checked out the website and they seem pretty legitimate. Check it out for yourself.
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Yes by going to http://www.midicenter.com and http://www.puremobilezone.com
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If you do not check a company before entering into a transaction, you could lose your money, time and credibility. Some widely used resources are the Better Business Bureau (www.bbb.org) and the national fraud center (www.fraud.org) these days, you can easily find out more about a company using the internet in a few minutes. From a company’s website, you can details about its ownership, how old the company really is and feedback from the company’s customers.
You can find more detailed information about a company at http://tinyurl.com/gtb89
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