Home > Ringtone Resources > I’m looking for an iphone app to catalog my video game library so I have it on the go. Any suggestions?

I’m looking for an iphone app to catalog my video game library so I have it on the go. Any suggestions?

February 3rd, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’ve seen a few in the app store, but was wondering if anybody would suggest one over the others.

Try panda PC SUITE.
PC Suite fully supports mobile phones on the iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile platforms. As long as you have PC Suite, massive resources are free to access.

you can use pc suite to manage your phone (apps ringtones movies musics)


  1. Boy Play
    February 3rd, 2013 at 17:57 | #1

    Try panda PC SUITE.
    PC Suite fully supports mobile phones on the iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile platforms. As long as you have PC Suite, massive resources are free to access.

    you can use pc suite to manage your phone (apps ringtones movies musics)

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